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Why Do People Want To Be Teachers?

Why Do People Want To Be Teachers? - Tee Shop USA

Becoming a teacher can be a rewarding career that offers great benefits, a family-friendly schedule, a decent salary and the joy of building the success of future generations.

Often, when people aspire to become teachers, they're not thinking of themselves. Teachers are generally people who care about students and want to see others flourish in their lives.

Teachers want to be positive role models and help children learn and grow so they can become happy adults who contribute to society.

In this article, we explore popular reasons that people decide to become teachers.

Let's dive in!

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Why Do I Want to Be a Teacher?


Why I want to become a teacher is a question that many people ask themselves before embarking upon the journey of going to college to become educated enough to educate future generations.

The answer most people who are considering a career in education give first and foremost is that they want to make a difference in the world.


To Make a Difference


The world is clay, and it takes many hands to mold and shape civilization into something of value. Teachers sculpt the next generation of people.

Because children are influential and develop much of their personality at young ages, teachers have the unique ability to help craft and shape young minds; inspire them and encourage them to do something great with their lives.

Many of the greatest minds in human history have given accolades and praise to their teachers for helping them to believe in themselves.

Teachers have a potent influence on young people's minds. Teaching somebody is one of the most powerful positions to be in, and it can certainly dictate the course of human civilization.

Teaching can be a form of positivity, and positivity is important


Never Stop Learning


When you're in academia, you're exposed to the element of learning all the time.

Many people who wish to become teachers are those who have a quest for knowledge and never want to stop their education.

As Jiddu Krishnamurti said:

"There is no end to education. It is not that you read a book, pass an examination, and finish with education. The whole of life, from the moment you are born to the moment you die, is a process of learning."

Teachers embrace the art of learning and will often obtain higher certifications, master's degrees and/or PhDs throughout their tenure as educators.

Being in the realm of a schooling environment prompts teachers to build their credentials in the field of education.

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Creative Control


While teachers and educators are usually bound to curriculums, there is an element of creative control that they possess.

Teachers can be creative and expressive and develop their methods of how they will teach young minds.

The passionate, zany and kooky teachers who have unique teaching abilities often have more of an impact on children than by-the-book, formal and stiff teachers.

Part of the joy of teaching is directing the open theater of the classroom as it becomes a living organism where each individual can learn and grow in effective and unique ways.

Creative and artful people are drawn to the idea of becoming teachers because teaching is itself a form of art.


Summer Vacations


Many people who enjoy having summer vacations as kids want to keep enjoying that time off for the rest of their lives.

Teachers who get off for summer break have time to invest in their marriages, their families, their homes, charity organizations and other projects, mission trips, business endeavors and more.

Having a chunk of time to yourself here and there is a great thing, and many teachers explore the limitless possibilities of what one can do when they have more time to themselves.




Money is not typically something that people lust after if they want to become teachers.

While a teacher with a master's degree may earn a livable salary, most teachers aren't considered rich, and many are described as being underpaid and taken advantage of.

For these reasons, teaching is usually not pursued as a means of accumulating wealth.

Teaching is a profession that requires heart, passion and care for others. It is not a selfish endeavor by any stretch of the imagination.


The Bottom Line


Becoming a teacher is a rewarding career. People respect educators and they often hail teachers as being of the most important people in our society.

Without teachers who are willing to do a difficult and stressful job, often for pay that doesn't seem to match the work, the world would be a vacuous and uninspired place that would function poorly if at all.

We need teachers, and we need good teachers who are passionate about what they do.

Thankfully, the people who aspire to become teachers have the joy and passion for teaching the next generation.

We love teachers, and we thank them from the bottom of our hearts!

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